
Distinguished Advisors

The projects of the German Music Council are assigned to advisory boards, which help shape the projects and advise on fundamental issues. An advisory board consists of up to twelve members, who are appointed by the Executive Commitee for a period of four years. The project advisory board Bundesjugendorchester consists of experts who are networked in the national and international orchestral scene.

Dr. Charlotte Seither

Frauke Bernds

Jutta Freifrau von Falkenhausen

Kai-Michael Hartig

Prof. Milko Kersten

Prof. Ingeborg Scheerer

Tatjana Schenke-Olivieri

Aki Schumacher

Prof. Martin Spangenberg

Oliver Wenhold

Prof. Bernhard Wulff

Andrea Zietzschmann

Berlin Philharmoniker Bundesministerium Wdr3 Daimler DOV GVL Freude.